Our working world is changing rapidly. We do not yet know the many requirements that our children will have to meet in twenty years' time. Current specialist knowledge may already be largely obsolete tomorrow. In these times, there is one certainty: a sovereign personality.

Study what really Gets You Ahead
Together with the strategy agency WAALD, we have translated the narrative of "personality development" into an award-winning digital campaign that will reach young people over a period of three years where they spend time and gather information: in the mobile, digital world. With innovative tools, strong messages and authentic stories around the strategic narrative, we were able to significantly increase awareness of the universities in the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

Creating Diversity through Minimalism: A Visual Campaign with Over 500,000 Variants
As a key visual, we developed an illustration concept that allows us to generate more than 500,000 variants from just a few individual elements. Direct, colorful, visually expressive, but not "BRAVO".
As the campaign's sponsor, the initiative is visually restrained: matter-of-fact, quiet, serious. All elements of the appearance stringently follow a design system.

Narrative, Design, Content, Campaign
CDLX develops RE/FLECT and RE/SEARCH, two services to communicate the strategic guiding idea of personal development and to present the universities' »products« in a user-friendly way. They are a central component of the web platform wirklichweiterkommen, which is the linchpin of the entire campaign.

Design through Content
Good form needs good content. That's why CDLX/WLDX prefers to create text, images and moving images ourselves. This gives us full control over image style, text tonality and story. In the case of the university campaign, we combine expressive illustrated characters with a factual visual language of places and people to do justice to the seriousness of the topic of choosing a university. Because we are convinced: young people also appreciate good design.

Campaign Digital
Personal development in higher education – what does that actually mean? We met seven students and graduates who tell us about their very own path at universities in Saxony-Anhalt. With these Campus Stories, we tell authentic stories that resonate strongly on social networks. Young people between 16 and 21 are targeted via Facebook and Instagram.

Real Life Campaign
Advertisements and advertorials were placed in print media relevant to the target groups that deal with the topics of high school graduation, choosing a course of study and planning for the future. These ads and advertorials, designed in the campaign look, provide information about the universities, Saxony-Anhalt as a place to study, and their advantages. The character design, in connection with motivational messages, inspires, stimulates and attracts attention. In addition, advertising materials such as postcards and posters in the campaign look were produced for use at trade fairs and other events.

With the trade fair trailer on the road: at music festivals and education fairs, the initiative of the universities is on site to communicate the complex topic of personality development to interested students, parents and teachers.

A total of 3 million target group participants were reached on social media. In combination with print ads, it can thus be estimated that a total of 3.5 million people in the target group were reached by the campaign. The web portal and interactive tools were particularly well received by the target group: In 15 months, 849,000 visits to the web portal and an average dwell time of 2:20 minutes were recorded. On a monthly basis, this translates into 56,600 visits to the portal. The study program search engine was used by 190,450 visitors with an average dwell time of 7:12 minutes, which means just under 12,600 users per month. The personality test was completed 156,000 times, corresponding to a completion rate of 85%, with an average dwell time here of 8:13 minutes. Viewed individually, this results in 10,400 completed tests per month.

The campaign won awards from the German Design Club and the Art Directors Club Germany, and received the German Brand Award, the highest possible accolade. Silver for the web platform and bronze for the digital services RE/FLECT and RE/SEARCH were awarded by the Art Directors Club Germany.
Communication campaign
Story development
Corporate design
Illustration concept
Interaction design
Media planning
Event concept
Trade show booth
Production of all media print, digital, film, trade show, typography.