Sarah Kremer • fast paced + relentless as a project manager• yet one of the warmest people we've ever met • after a year of parental leave, she's back on track • SK

ID Project Client Type Team Year
01 Imagebook Selux SLX Print publication IS, MK, LR, HG, SK 2021
02 Transformation des Populären Universität Siegen USI Branding IS, TSE, JP, FO, SK 2021
03 IMIS Universität Osnabrück Website LR, MK, FO, SK 2021
04 BDI Webrelaunch Federation of German Industries BDI Website HG, MK, GG, JP, SK 2021
05 The New Institute Website The New Institute TNI Website MK, FO, GG, IS, SK, TSE, AI 2022
06 Iplantatree Iplantatree IPT Website JP, TSI, SK 2023
07 Deutschlandstipendium Humboldt Universität HU Website HG, FO, JP, IS, SK, MC 2023
08 Redefining Hospitality quartier QGP Everything IS, TSI, HG, MC, FO, SK 2022